Chilean Miners trapped

On August 5 a mine in Chile collapsed trapping 33 miners.  When they started looking for the miners, in all honesty they thought they were looking for bodies, when they discovered that all 33 miners were alive and all unharmed.  The rescue mission became harder then when the engeneers working on it figured out that it could take up to four months to get them out.  Keep in mind that the area they are trapped in is the size of a small apartment.  The government officials are sending down care packages and notes but have not told the miners how long their rescue may take.  Here is the Link.

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  • That is to bad i hope they are all getting alone with eachother and getting enough to eat. I would hate being trapped in a small hole not being able to see anything.
  • That would be awful. I'd probably get claustrophobic and start freaking out. Someone in that mine is sure to go insane. I know I wouldn't be able to handle being around the same people for months at a time, let alone trapped with them in a mine!
  • if it takes four months they are probably gonna die
  • wow that would be hard to keep up hope
  • that would stink
  • i read about this article about a week ago, so sad. i dont really understand how they will be able to survive though?? hope they can get out sooner than expected..
  • I personally think that would be a MADDENING situation....
  • Thats small for 33 miners. i would probably have to go crazy if i was one of them. i hope they get out safely.
  • Four months is a long time but if they've made it this far hopefully they can make it til they are rescued.
  • that would be so be the parents and to be the people down there. One, not knowing how long it will take to get out, Two, sharing a small space with 33 others and Three, just the toll it could take on your mental and physical health.
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