New laws in Colorado are making medical marijuana containers childproof to protect from accidentally ingestion. The laws could be re-written in January when legal "Pot Shops" open up in Denver. Pot Shops are stores where people can buy marijuana plants or seeds to grow for their own.
What are your thoughts on this? Do you think more states should legalize marijuana? If so, do you feel there should be limitations on things like "Pot Shops"? Or should marijuana be completely illegal?
Well done!
I think that it should be illegal except for medical purposes, but there should be strict limitations on what doctors can and cannot use the marijuana for.
I dont like that it is legal at all. But since it is I do like the idea of making stuff childproof.
Well Nick Toon. I think that Marijuana should be illegal it kills people and you smoke it so I think any that does it should get a huge punishment like 30 days in prison or something I strongly disagree wih smoking marijuana if you want to smoke and kill yourself go ahead you idiots. But marijuana should be illegal Thank You Sir Have a swelling evening
I agree with you Brodster, it should be illegal. I don't think it kills people directly but it does cause a lot of problems. That's not very nice of you to call them idiots.. it is their choice and we shouldn't judge.. but yes they are idiots. Thank you have a nice day.
I personally think that it is ok for medical marijuana to be legalized as long as it is being used for medical purposes only. Marijuana for recreational use should not be legalized, as it is a gateway drug and legalizing it will only make it more accessible to those who shouldn't get a hold off it. I'm glad to see them taking the necessary steps to keep medical marijuana out of the wrong hands.
I think it is a bad idea to make it legal. Then the worse drugs will probably start to become legal.
I agree, eventually people will want to legalize other drugs like cocaine or methamphetamines.
I think marijuana should be legal, just for medical use though. It is a bad thing in some cases, I am kind of in the middle of what they do. They need to keep children away from the marijuana, that's the only thing I think they need to do. Has marijuana use killed people before?
That's what I think they need to do, medical use only, nothing else. No exceptions.