Child starvation

Child starvation

How is it possible to forget children and their needs. Well this woman was arrested for child neglect because the police found three kids starving and one of them was chained. The kids - one girl and two boys - had signs that they were physical abused and emotionally abused. The cop said that the little girl looked like she had been someone who was in a concentration camp. She was chain to the floor so that she could not get food


What would you do if you were one of those kids.

What if you were their neighbor

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  • Be sure to use punctuation when needed and be sure to hyperlink to the actual story. Great job replying though!

  • If I was those kids I would fight as hard as I could to get out and make a plan to escape! If I was the neighbor and I heard that first I would go over and ask and when she acted nervous I would call the cops.

  • If I were one of the kids, I would just try to find a way to escape.

  • this is terrible, i hope that she gets arrested and fined.

  • Those poor kids! The mother was ignoring them on purpose, she didn't forget about them by the sound of it! How old were they? How long had they been abused? The neighbor most likely knew nothing about this, otherwise you would think they would have told police earlier. How did the police become aware of this? 

    • I don't know how old they are but they were younger than fifth graders I know that. the became aware because they kept getting calls about a disturbance around that area

  • I don't know why someone would do this. If you're gonna treat children like this, then you shouldn't be having kids at all. No kid deserves to go through something like this. 

    • You are right and that is why you don't have you know what and have kids unless you are ready for the responcebility

  • You wouldent be able to do anything crazy freaking woman is stronger than you. If i was a neighbor i would be ashamed for not knowing what a monster the person next to me is and to stop her.

    • Good thought Elias and they couldn't do anything because of that.

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