The teachers voted Tuesday to end the strike and resume classes. Students will return to class Wednesday. 800 union delegates met for around two hours before deciding to end the strike. The strike was caused by teachers feeling unfairly treated and end of the year teacher evaluations. Teachers do not think they should be punished because of their students test scores. What do you think? Did they have a good reason to strike? Or was it selfish and damaging to the kids? Read more about this story here.

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  • if all the students are doing poor. Then yes, it will fall back in the teacher. If just a select few are doing poor then they need to go inon their own time and fix what the big problem is.

  • I think it was selfish to choose a strike instead of a different method. They should've talked to their boss instead. Now the kids might forget things they learned or have to take summer school, and their test scores might go down as well.

  • I don't think that they had a very good reason to go on strike. I feel like this was no for the kids, and the teachers should just be happy that they have a job in these tough times

  • I think the teachers shouldn't have took away the kids learning. They should have done it in some different way other than not teaching. It was a really bold thing to do though.

  • No I dont think it is the teacher's teaching, but if the kids test scores continued to be bad, then maybe then should look into how the teacher teaches. This would be damaging for the kids, because they wouldn't be learning anything the days she didn't teach.

  • they did a good job stick up for them selves teachers dont have to be score on how the kids do it not the teacher fault if the kids arent paying attention

  • I believe that they had a good reason to go on strike, but I also think that it was unfair to the children who were out of school for more than a week because of the teachers. The teachers were being selfish, they inconvenienced almost 350,00 students and their parents, and they turned down a 15% raise. Who would do that? Teachers make a decent amount in the first place. I'm glad they finally stopped the strike.

  • They had a good reason on going on strike. Its the students problem that they should listen and study more if they want better test scores. The teachers shouldn't get blames for their work.

  • I think that it's a good thing that it ended. The students need to get their education back on line. I do agree that they shouldn't be punished for the students test schores, but they don't need to protest about it.

  • Thanks for posting this Haley!

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