
  • i think we should but only on free days not when the teacher is trying to teach us something new. and as long as its not on vibrate or ring
  • no.. we'd be too distracted. we dont need them all day. their going on a limb giving us what we have now, its more than enough,
  • yes
  • No what we have going right now is good enough. It's a good balance
  • I think what we have right now is pretty cool. I mean being able to have them at all is awesome but if we have them during class time everyone knows they will be a huge distraction.
  • Yes, I think we should. It's not like everyone is going to be texting when everyone is sitting right next to you in class.
  • I think that the way we have it now is fine. Like maybe we could use them sometimes like on days when its like a work day or something in a class, but not all the time because we would never learn anything. This would never get passed anyway, but whatever.
  • Well, some people might not be able to handle it and others might. It'd be nice but it'll never happen
  • ya i think not all the times but most the time jus not wen the teacher is talkin n workin on the board or somethin
  • no, because everyone would be on their phone and not paying attention in class. those who sneak it are just fine as long as they dont get caught.
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