Today is the 30th anniversary of the CD that has changed and influenced our lives in all different kinds of ways. The CD was first introduced to America in 1982; it was first sold for $1,000 dollars when it first came out. Before the CD there where only vinyl albums and cassette tapes, but eventually the CD won over because of better quality and as the years went by the CD’s got cheaper and sold more. Today CD’s are widely used and are now starting to get pushed out of the market by the USB flash stick.
I think that the CD was and will continue to be a big part of our daily life and wil stick around for years to come. What are your opinions on the CD?
For more info look at the link below.
CD's are cool and i have grown up listening to cds since i can remember listening to them.
The CD is the best thing that was ever invented besides video games. The only bad thing is that they canget scratched easily.
I think this is neat. I don't think there as popular now as they were before, now that we have all of our music on the computer, and Iphone, and Ipod. I think CD's have impacted alot. :)
Back when Ipods and Iphones werent invented CDs were a major thing! I myself still enjoy listening to CDs in the car and just at home when I dont want to get my ipod out. CDs have impacted many people today I believe..
That is interesting that the first one sold for that much. CDs are a very important part of today's world!