A cute house cat, Natasha, survived 35 minutes in a washing machine cycle after the roommate of owner Daryl Humdy didn't realize the cat had jumped in before he did a load of laundry! The poor cat was taken to an Animal Emergency Hospital where she was treated for hypothermia and shock.

Miraculously, though, Natasha made it out alive...This is so sad:(

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  • that cat can hold it's breath for a while! It probably won't need a bath for awhile. I wonder if a cat could survive a trip in the dryer  as well. hmmmm

  • I have no idea how that cat survived that long of a trip in a washing machine. It would have been pretty sad if it would have died.

  • I can't believe that the cat was in the washer for over half an hour and only came out with hypothermia and shock. I know it would be pretty freaky if I got stuck in a washing machine. One thing I don't get is that how did he not notice that his cat was in the washer?

  • That's crazy! I'm really glad she survived but how the poor thing did it is what I'd like to know. You would think her lungs wouldn't have been able to take that and we all know cats don't like water so she'd probably panic! Glad she's okay though and I hope won't have too many health problems later.

  • This cat probably lost a few lives in there. That kitty is so fluffy. I'm surprised it didn't drown.

  • Awhh poor cat, i feel bad for it. Thats crazy that it lived through all of that! i would think that from it being in the water it would of drowned or been strangled from clothes, but it lived which is very surprising.

  • this is weird! you hear a lot of stories like this happening and pretty much all the time the cat survives

  • That is so sad, poor cat how did it not die. It must of been really lucky

  • I am glad the cat survived but that is a miracle how she survived. I'm glad that cat has no medical problems after that!

  • Haha well it is said cats have nine lives. i Personal don't like cats to well but still sticking one in a wash machine is kinda random thing to happen.

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