Cat sized Rats!?

This is gross! Check out these rats.. there huge! These rats have been invading Florida and they are breeding there... Officails are worried about the venim spreading to the crops wiping them out! Apparently this has been a problem since 2009. They thought they had got rid of them all but apparently not.

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  • That is huge, I could easily see these vermin causing lots of problems.

  • Why would the guy hold that thing. Rats are disgusting!!! I bet they are a problem. Since rats breed fairly quickly I bet the problem can easily grow pretty fast.

  • Eh that is disgusting. How can a rat even get that big? I mean I have never even heard of one being bigger than like the size of your hand or something. I wonder how they got that big? Well I hope that they can get rid of them. 

  • EWWW  this is gross!! I hate the small rats and now that they are getting bigger its just worse! If i saw one of these i would scream and run!

  • That is soooo nasty. I absolutley hate rodent things like that especially when they're that big. I'd be so freaked out and i find it gross that that guy is even toughing it! yuck. i'd cry.

  • That's a big rat! How do they get that big? How is a cat supposed to catch one of them things when they are as big as cats?

  • To me it kinda looks like a muscrat, but muscrats don't have pink tails and it has smaller ears. People are going to have to build larger rat traps to catch those things. It would take a lot of mouse traps to take that thing down.

  • omg ewww! that is soooo gross! how in the world did those rats get so big! NASTYYYY!!

  • That is sooo gross. It gave me shivers. If i saw one that big I would run away screaming like a little baby. I hope they don't hurt people.. especially kids.

  • Geez thats huge i wonder how they kill them. It might be fun to go around and hunt them.

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