
  • Something to do with computer programming and engineering. I think it is very interesting, and I believe it will be very useful in the future seeing as how society keeps heading in the direction of more technology.

  • Im thinking about going into anything in the medical field.

  • Since being a little kid i have wanted to be a vet for large animals. Right now im still interested in this but have also looked at being a speech therapist or doing something with agriculture business.

  • I really have no idea what I am going to do in college or when I graduate from college. I really like motorcyles and dirt bikes so maybe a mechanic or a designer of motorcyles or build custom motorcycles for people. May be I will go the the army before college and then go to college and figure out what I want to do.

  • Im going into the Navy.. i was going to join the army first but then i decided that the Navy would be better than the Army. i have always wanted to join the services my whole life. so i think that the Navy is the ultimate choice!

  • I am planning on recieving a master's degree for a business career or financial career at either University of Northern Iowa or University of California.

  • I'm thinking about Nuclear Engineering. I think it would be really cool stuff. But I don't know if I'm any good at physics or chemisty or anything... So I really don't know...

  • im undecided on what i want to go to college for but probably something to do with business or some kind of a medical field but still got some time to figure out!

  • I either wanna work with kids recover from accidents, i forgot what they were called.

  • I want to go into the medical field. i want to be a pediatrician. 

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