Some people say happiness is directly correlated to money, others say that you can be happy without money. Some studies have shown that money can buy happiness and other psychologists have shown that money doesn't buy happiness. What do you think?
One side of this argument is that money buys happiness. In an experiment by PNAS, they studied how happy people felt when they had extra money to spend over 3 months. After the 3 months were over, the families recorded higher amounts of happiness. 79% of people believe that if they had more money they would be happier. Money can buy luxury items but also prevent stress in many households. Stress can be caused by bills and payments that are due. Money can bring in items that make us happy and free us from problems that cause stress and fear. Many can agree that money can buy happiness but only to a certain extent.
The other side is that money doesn’t buy happiness and that happiness is earned not bought. Money can buy material items that make us happy but money itself can’t buy the real feeling of happiness. Studies have also shown that people with very little money or no money at all can be truly happy too. Their happiness doesn’t depend on money and expensive items.
In my opinion, I think that money can buy things to make you happy but I don’t think it can really buy happiness in the end. I don’t think that material items and money can buy and give you the real feeling of happiness. Although there are experiences that people can buy to make them happy.
Do you think money can buy happiness?
Can you be happy without money?
I think money can buy things that make you happy but not your acutal happiness. I think you could buy things that you thought you would never be able to have, like expensive cars, and clothes. If your rich you know you could have anything you want, but when your "poor" you look forward to buying things that could make you happy or excited.
I personally think that money will give you the opportunity to buy things that will make you happy for a short period of time, but it can't buy a lifetime of happiness. I think long-term happiness is found in places no money can buy. Although I absolutely think that you can be happy without money.
I agree, I also don't think money can buy a lifetime of happiness and you can be happy without money.
I think money can buy you certain things that will make you happy but it can't necessarily buy you happiness. For example money could buy me a hot tub which would make me happy, but it can't buy me happy situations and memories. If money bought happiness then all of the really sucsessfull rich poeple would be happy all of the time and the lower class people would be sad, and that isn't how it is.
I also think that we can prove lower class people are still happy and some people are happy without money.
I think that money can and cannot buy happiness because you can buy stuff like a full gas tank, TV and that kind of stuff that makes you happy but there are certain things that make you happy money can't buy. You can't buy love and affection from others.
I think that money cannot buy happiness. Some people think that if you have a ton of money you will be really happy but you can have a little bit of money and still be happy. If you are a millionaire you could still be happy with someone who doesn’t have a lot of money.
i dont think that money can buy happiness because money isn't everything, however people love money and that's how you get everything now and I don't think that I would be happy without money
I feel like this is kind of a trick question I want to say no money can not buy happiness but you have seen homeless people and they don't look very happy with their lives. I believe that you can be satisfied with no extra money but it would be very hard to be pleased if you have nothing.
I think people can be happy without money. I have seen many people be happy without it. Although I do think money can buy happiness. If someone were to donat 5,000 dollars to a family who needs it that would make the family happy. I think helping others by giving money can also make the person gifting the money happy. Overall I think it can buy happiness.