Some people say happiness is directly correlated to money, others say that you can be happy without money. Some studies have shown that money can buy happiness and other psychologists have shown that money doesn't buy happiness. What do you think?
One side of this argument is that money buys happiness. In an experiment by PNAS, they studied how happy people felt when they had extra money to spend over 3 months. After the 3 months were over, the families recorded higher amounts of happiness. 79% of people believe that if they had more money they would be happier. Money can buy luxury items but also prevent stress in many households. Stress can be caused by bills and payments that are due. Money can bring in items that make us happy and free us from problems that cause stress and fear. Many can agree that money can buy happiness but only to a certain extent.
The other side is that money doesn’t buy happiness and that happiness is earned not bought. Money can buy material items that make us happy but money itself can’t buy the real feeling of happiness. Studies have also shown that people with very little money or no money at all can be truly happy too. Their happiness doesn’t depend on money and expensive items.
In my opinion, I think that money can buy things to make you happy but I don’t think it can really buy happiness in the end. I don’t think that material items and money can buy and give you the real feeling of happiness. Although there are experiences that people can buy to make them happy.
Do you think money can buy happiness?
Can you be happy without money?
Love this topic and super job Aubrey! #1 this week so +5 plus a new topic so another +5.
I think that money can't buy true happiness. To be happy I think you should not have to spend money. To be happy i think that you need to be surrounded by the right type of environment and people.
I don't think money can buy happiness but I do think that it can help. I do think that you can be happy without money but I htink it's easier to be happy when you have money. Money can also buy you things that make you happy but I think to be happy you need to have people around you that make you happy.
I personally believe that money can buy happiness in most ways. For example, a homeless person would be a lot happier with money for a home and food. Then again, I feel like some people who have too much money can be greedy and not satisfied until they can get more money.
In my personal opinion I do kind of believe that money can buy happiness. With money comes freedom, and with freedom you can do what ever you wish to do in life. Even though you can not "buy happiness" being able to freely live life can most definetly help.
In my opinion i do think that money can buy happyness you can alway have what you want, because everything its just about money, but of course everyone has different oppinions about things. Personally me i say that yes, money can buy happiness.
yes you can be happy without money as long as your are healthy and have people you love around you things would work out just fine. Although things would be tough but you would be happy.
I think that money can buy a certain kind of happiness. With money, you can do whatever you want, so in theory, if you had infinite money, you could have infinite fun/good times. However, it is not necessarily 'real happiness'. For example, you could pay someone to be your girlfriend/wife. I think that it is possible to be happy without money, it is just real happiness instead, and Is harder to achieve.
To a point I think money can buy happiness. If somebody is concerned about being able to afford a necessity like food or a place to live, then having more money would reduce their stress and most likely make them happier. But, if somebody was able to buy every item that they would want then I think they would eventually get bored of all the materialistic items and would put more of an importance on human connection. I think it’s possible to be happy without money, but having some money can help.
I do not think that money can buy happiness, but I do think that it can help. I think you can be happy without money, but I feel like it would be much easier if you had money. I believe that money can buy things that make you happy, but I also believe that you have to have good people around you to be happy.
No I think money can't but happiness because if money can buy happiness then where's the love at? If money can buy happiness what would happen to the people who don't care about the money? If money can buy happiness then the world would only think about money and not anything else.