Call your mom!

Here's the linl:

According to the article, calling your mom on the phone reduces your stress level the same way that hugging her does. So when you're stressed out and mom's not around, you might as well give her a call! Have any of you realized this when you've called your mom? I haven't, because I never talk on the phone unless I absolutely have to.

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  • i really dont think this would work for me because i get stressed when i talk to her.. sometimes.
  • I never call my mom unless I have to
  • this doesnt work for me
  • i dont know if I should or not maybe I should just talk to her she is right beside me
  • I guess I never pay attention. Im sure I call my mom or she calls me at least once a day. We usually only talk for like a minute anyway..
  • I text my mom a lot! She always has something wonderful to say and has those ways of brightening my day! I know of a few friends that also text my mom when they are having a rough day!
  • i hate talking on the phone and my mom just usually annoys me when i talk to her cause she repeats me. and i think it usually makes me more stressed than anything.
  • it depends on what kind of night it is. . . . if she calls and says get home now that just makes me mad. . . so idk
  • Yeah i can see it being that way but personally I don't call on the phone hardly at all so it probably won't happen.
  • ususally calling my mom stresses me out more! haha
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