
  • This is really getting out of hand. I think to be some serious laws put in place to start controlling this. I'm not saying everyone should have the right to own a gun taken away but maybe start bearing down on those illegal websites people can go in and buy guns on. Even being more strict about who can get a gun license would help.

  • This is terrible. Something needs to happen so things like this stop happening. I just want to know why people do stuff like this. How could you just walk into a school and shoot people? You have to be seriously messed up to do things like this.

  • Wow! that is very scary! i don't understand why people do this? revenge? personal rush?! i mean really, what goes through there heads while they pull a trigger to very badly injure someone they know.

  • The problem isn't guns. The problem is that people are crazy. Guns seem to be the weapon of choice, but you could do just as much or more damage with other weapons too. I hate it that people immediately try to put the blame on guns instead of addressing the real problem, which is people.

  • This is terrible! I could not imagine what goes through these peoples minds when they do this! I feel bad for the vitamins in this!

  • What goes through those peoples minds. We need to change something in this world because this can't keep happening.

  • thats sad that people think they gotta bring a gun to school to solve their problems, that isn't right you shouldn't take someone elses life or hurt them because you aint happy with yours and you shouldn't take your own.

  • Out of control. Its not gun control what we need even with better gun control this is still going to happen. i think schools need to get some kind of thing put in on the doors that would detect a gun. Thank gosh nobody was killed.

  • Too many shooting why are people not being smart. With all these shooting its shows how we need to be better in control of or guns but i disagree with people who think they should be taken away. 

  • I don't think this shooting business has anything to do with gun control. Yes, this is another tragedy to add to America's growing list, but the rise doesn't have anything to do with "gun control." That's like saying we should make it harder to buy knives if a kid walked into a school and stabbed someone! It's a ridiculously absurd idea and I see no reason gun control should be even mentioned in this situation.

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