California and the supreme court are disputing over weather the sale of violent video games should be restricted for kids under 18 claiming people dont follow ratings and that the industry has failed to uphold the ratings. Do you follow ratings and do you think this will have an impact on the rest of the country.

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  • I think that its a good idea. Kids with brains that have not developed fully all the way should not be spending hours and hours playing wiolent video games. But im sure people will find their way around it just like they do with cigarettes and alcohol.
  • this doesn't effect me because i could honestly say i have pry only bought three video games myself . . i usually get hand me downs
  • I think that would be a pretty good idea.people don't need to be playing violent video games it's just not good for ya
  • Yeah most violent games give other kids bad ideas mot of the time but we all still have diffrent ways of getting it including the violent games people have right now so i don't know whta diffrence that will make
  • Haha, that might be a problem. Teen boys love their video games!
  • Right now video game stores are supposed to check ID's but many do not do that. Anytime the government steps in to take control of what parents should be doing I have a serious problem with.

  • I see where they wouldn't want younger people to be playing violent video games, but really, they're going to anyway. They should forget about making it a law because no one's going to listen.
    • yeah Chelsea, that same logic applies to alcohol and tobacco. if i remember correctly you were totally for making both of them illegal.
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