California passed a law mandating that middle and high schools start later in the day. Saying that middle schools can start no earlier than 8:00am and High schools can start no earlier than 8:30am. Sleep expert Wendy Troxel says that teenagers go through a phase were our melatonin doesn’t start kicking in until around 11:00pm making it so we can’t get to sleep early and get the recommended 8 to 10 hours of sleep that we need. The law won’t go into effect until 2022 so schools have time to make changes to their schedules and be ready for the changes.
Do you think that our school should start later in the morning than it already does?
What do you think would be some benefits of starting school later in the morning?
Yes because I want to get more sleep and it would make my first few classes better because I would be more awake. Less students would be super tired all the time and they would probably be more focused since they would'nt be as tired as they usually are.
I have mixed feelings about school starting later. I agree with it starting ealier because almost no teenager is able to get the sleep they need because of sports, homework, and/or jobs so they don't get to sleep til later. It would allow them to be more rested in the morning and ready for school, and maybe eventually get better grades. But, I also don't agree with it because if school starts later that just means school is going to end later in the day pushing all the activities after school to end later. Which in the end doesn't allow students to get more sleep, some might even get less because of not getting done with their sports, jobs, and/or homework til later.
I agree if if school started later it would end later causing the kids to not have as much time to do homework and if they get home later the would be up later studying and doing homework so I do think we would need to take a look into a solution for that.
I agree, I think it will help kids get better grades, but I think instead of ending school later the classes could just be short and we could go back to a regular schedule. Then we wouldn't have to worry about practices or events going any later than they already do.
I do think our school should start later. Most kids never get to school on time considering school start at 8:00 instead of 8:30. I think some benefits of starting later would be less tardies. Less tardies equal less detentions. Less detentions equal teachers not having to worry about coming to school extra early or having them stay late.
I agree the whole starting later would help keids with attendence and even grade I think we should test this first though before everywhere starts doing this but just from the sounds of this it does sound like a good idea and I could see the benefits of this.
Yeah I agree that our school should start later like 8:30. Because it will allow students to get more sleep which will help students stay awake and focus during class. And if students can focus better it will help then get better grades in classes that they may be struggling in.
I think school should start at 9 every morning because even if you get to bed late you could still get 8 hours of sleep and you wont be super tired at school anymore. I think this could really help our learning because it would be much better to pay attention in school and less people will be sleeping in school.
I agree with you and I have heard of schools starting as late as 9 and I do think that would be nice and would help a lot of students with falling asleep during class. I think that the school might have to go later then though and that would effect what time we get home.
Yes, I think that school should start later in the morning. I think this could benefit people with sleep, some students have to get up at 6 AM to get here by bus, which can be bad for free time after school or sleep. This could allow us to sleep in a bit, and have a bit more time to ourselves later in the night.