In South Bend, Indiana a mother returns home with her son, to find the house unlocked and a man in her kitchen. This man broke in thinking it was his house, and he cooked dinner and folded clothes.
I find this kind of funny he actually folded clothes and cooked dinner. It is also weird because I don't know what burgular would fold clothes and cook dinner.
Yeah he really isn't a burglar he seems like he needs help and he belongs in a mental institution
I don't understand how you cant your own cloths from others.
How could you mistake someone else's house for your own? And you dont have the same dishes, clothes, food, etc..? Kinda crazy I think.
that makes me worry about people :)
Wow, that is kind of funny. I suppose that the mom was scared out of her pants when she found somebody in her house, but hey, her chores were done! :D
How could you walk into someone elsehouse thinking it was you and fold their clothes andcook food and still not notice that it wasn't you house.
how could he not know that was not his house haha if you think about it, it is quite funny
If he got charged for burgulary that's stupid, he thought it was his house! Yes, he is pretty dumb, but he still didn't know.
Was he even thinking during any of this? How do you go into the wrong house and fold their clothes and cook dinner? I can't see how something like that could even happen.
That's funny how he went to the wrong house and started cooking dinner and folding laundry. Its funny how he thought he was in his house. but would that count as a burgularly if he didnt steal anything.