
The new documentary Bullying just came out!! I dont know if it will stop bullying or not but it might get people to relize what they are doing to others. What do you think, will it change or will people even go to this?

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  • i think if it's a serious problem the person or a friend should just stand up and tell the people to knock it off

  • It wont stop anyone from bullying. Bulliers dont care about what people tell them, they go by what they want to do.

  • I think this will help to the kids getting bullied to go get help or tell someone. But I don't think that it will get to the minds of bullies and get them to stop. Bullies and jerks and think they are all that and don't realize they are bullies they are just trying to act "cool". Hopefully it helps though

  • I think its cool how they are making a movie about bullying. Maybe it will get some people to think about what their doing. But then people might not want to watch it because they don't think what they re doing is wrong.

  • I think that is great that people are trying to stop bullying and I believe if they can spread their ideas, it may stop. But who knows!

  • its a great idea and all but i doubt it will work because most people who bully are not willing to change, i guess most people dont see the harm they are doing to others

  • i guess we wont really know until we see the outcome! i think we just need to stop debating the issue, and get off our fat american lazy butts and actually do something about it! Kudos to those who spread the word to end the word!

  • Most people these days get stuck in their ways and aren't willing to change. But it'll be a strong message nonetheless, and hopefully bullying goes down one way or another.

  • i think that its great that people are trying to get people to stop bullying, but honestly i don't think it will work very well. overall, people that see this are the ones being bullied. the real bullies probably won't go see it though, because a lot of them will think that they're "too cool" to watch something like this. 

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