Bullied girl steps in front of bus

Amanda Cummings from New York was bullied for many years. She was only 15 years and was getting tired of being bullied. After her boy friend broke up with her she could take it no more. She jumped in front of an oncoming city bus and died. Later her family found a suicide note in her clothes. One person went to say this after she died, “LMAO she jumped in front of a bus. Lol.”

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  • Poor girl! i really dislike bullies. especially people who make stupid comments like the person who laughed about this girl jumping in front of a bus. you'd think they would learn from it, but they don't.

  • go to the doctor or parents when you have these problems, stepping in front of a bus and killing yourself just makes it worse for your family.

  • I think that it is terrible that teens commit suicide. It is too bad that she got made fun of. I think that suiside happens way to often and is terrible.

  • This is so terrible and sad! I bet the people who mad fun of her, atleast some of them, feel really bad. The one person that thought it was funny is really mean!!! She had a boyfriend so it shouldnt of been that bad.

  • this is terrible. you always hear about these storys and you feel so bad. people need to stop making fun and being mean to people. and after she died there still laughing at her.. that is just sad

  • There is no reason people should be treated this way but yet it happens every single day.

  • That is really sad. How could someone laugh about that? They have no soul. Suicide isn't funny at all. And bullying isn't funny either. It's a serious thing and it needs to stop.

  • That's horrible. Why would anyone get enjoyment out of someone committing suicide?!

  • Thats terrible. I dont understand why some kids are so mean. But she shouldnt of killed herself.

  • thats horrible, why on earth would anyone want to bully people to the point where they commit suicide, the bullies should be ashamed of themselves

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