Two brothers accidentally blew up their house after a $75,000 lottery ticket by purchasing marijuana and meth. One brother was taken to the hospital with burns on his arms, hands, and chest, while the other brother went to jail that Friday night.

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  • Maybe they will  realize that drugs are not worth it! They're going to have to spend a lot of the money they won on medical bills and a new house. This is just another good reason why people shouldn't do drugs!

  • That's nuts. I guess they deserved it. I mean congrats you won a lottery ticket. but Meth? Marijuana? Yeah, Maybe they deserved it. I mean I'm glad their okay, but that's nuts.

  • thats an idiot move. Use the money on something worth it, like a nice smexy car or truck. Like the Ford Atlis <3

  • Seriously? That's how they celebrate with their money?? That's the most ridiculous way to celebrate. But I hope the one guy survives with his burns. But I hope they both serve so time for there actions.

  • Those guys are just plain stupid if you ask me! There are much more logical(and much safer) ways to spend their winnings. I hope that they both learn a lesson from this,in a jail cell.

  • woah, why would anyone wanna spend money on that? why not new clothes? new car? new house? buy your woman something nice? really? what the heck! not good!

  • Why would they do something like that because they just waste all of there money and then get in trouble and end up going to jail.

  • Wow idiotic people. You win the lottery and you blow up your house and you get a free ride in a cop car. to bad they won't be able to see the money or even spend it.

  • This is crazy! Thats why you shouldn't do drugs! They always lead to bad stuff!

  • i think its kind of funny but they could of done so much better things with their money then waste it on drugs maybe that will teach them.

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