Britney Spears judges X-factor

Britney Spears was offered a $15 million deal for the 2nd season for the show X-factor. If she signs the deal she will be making $3 million more than Jennifer Lopez on Idol. Britney would be replacing Paula Abdul from season one. Simon Cowell hopes to beat ratings for American Idol and The Voice.

Would you watch it if Britney was a judge?

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  • I havnt watched it but brittney has had problems in the past year so i don't know

  • Britney got herself 95% back together and it is good that she can be back on her way to the top of her game. The X-Factor is a great singing show in my opinion and is quite lucky to get such a big star to co-judge with the others.

  • I usually never watch x-factor and im not a big Brittney Spears fan! but sure i'll watch it if there is nothing else better on tv but no one can beat the Voice or American Idol

  • I probably wouldn't watch it anyway, but definitely not now.

  • iv never seen x factor so i most likely still wouldnt watch it

  • I don't think that putting Britney Spears on a show is going to make it any better than American Idol or The Voice.

  • i dont watch the show i never will now just because of brittany spears. shes a bad influence on kids and cant even sing and nows shes judging people thats stupid they shouldnt have paid her 15 million dollars.

  • Eww, NO! I can't stand Britney Spears. She needs to leave Hollywood and stay away from entertainment in my opinion. Plus, no show can beat American Idol or The Voice.

  • I am not very sure if this is going to help out that show. It could be that they will lose those 15 million dollars that they paid her. That is a lot of money by the way. 

  • Yeah I wouldn't watch it. Brittany needs to work on her singing before she can judge other people.

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