Bring home Bowe Bergdahl

Bowe Bergdahl is my aunt's nephew. She lives in Atlantic. Bowe dissapeared in June of last year and was captured by the Taliban. The Taliban released a video of him around Christmas time. No one has heard since if he is even still alive, not even his family. But if he is still alive, bring him home. Read the story and watch the video here. Please support this.


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  • this is so sad.. i hope he he makes it home safe!
  • poor bowe bergdahl.. ):
  • you know, the taliban ruins islm. islan shouldnt have to look like this. i wish i could go over there and take down as many of their members. This is a very sad story too. there have been many been captured by them. I hope he comes home.
  • man i feel bad for that guy i hope someone finds him or he comes back safe.
  • Yes I have Bruns.. And Schech, its on her She married my dads brother. get it? My cousin graduated a few years ago and he was at his grad. party.
  • awh :( bring him home! we should like, see if we could do soemthing.. ya know?
  • Have you met this person before?
  • Wow this really bites
  • That is sad. I hope he makes it home safe. :(
  • if he is your aunts nephew. . . wouldn't that make him your cousin? ridle me that. oh well hopefully they get him back
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