Michelle Marxen's fairy-tale wedding was planned for October 19, when her fiance dropped a bombshell. He didn't want to marry her anymore. But Marxen decided there should still be a party. She turned her already-paid-for reception into a disabled group's Halloween party. Marxen said, "What was supposed to be my big day is now their big day." Michelle is now going to spend her big day in Las Vegas.

Here is a link to the story.

What do you guys think of this? Would you give up your big day to help other people you need it?

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  • Well done Shea!

  • I think it's awesome how she was able to turn a negative into a positive! It's sad that her fiancé left her before her big day, but the fact that she was willing to help out someone else because of her own disappointment is great! If I was in her position I hope that I would be able to what she did, but I think it would be very difficult!

  • I think this is really neat. I hope she had fun too though. Yes, I would give up my big day for someone who needs it. Exspeciall if I already paid for it and then something like what happened to her happened to me.

  • I think that this bride is really sweet.  I know that I wouldn't want to give away all the stuff that I bought for my wedding day to other people.  I guess what she did was generous though because all of that stuff would have went to waste since she was going to get married anyways. I think she's a great person for doing what she did and not being selfish.

    • I agree. I don't think at first I could give it up, but when I would see how happy everyone was it would be alright.

  • i guess make the most of everything? its insane that she kept her composure enough to just throw a different party out of her reception.. i give her a high five on that im sure it ended up to be fun!

    • I agree. I don't think I would be able to handle it all at first.

  • I think although she was quite hurt she made it into a positive. I think it's nice because she couldn't get a refund anyways. It looks like her fiance gave up quite the nice lady.

    • I love that last part! He really did though. What she did was amazing.

  • I think that is very sweet of her to do! If my fiance did that to me i would be to freaked out to think of giving away my decorations. But that is really nice of her to do that!

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