Bride Fakes Cancer for Money

A bride-to-be decided in order to get the wedding and honeymoon of her dreams she needed to fake having cancer. After an article hit the paper right before their wedding, friends, family, and even strangers helped by donating money. With the money she got a honeymoon to Aruba (plus the plane tickets), a designer wedding dress, a delux package for wedding photos, and A LOT MORE. She even shaved her hair off to make it look like she lost it during radiation. Her husband said he knew she had shaved her head because, "One day she had long beautiful hair, and the next it was all gone."

Watch the story here:

I don't know about you, but I think this is quite wrong. Cancer is no laughing matter. My grandpa is a 17-year survivor, my grandma died after having cancer 3 different times in 7 years, and both my mom and I have had a few scares with it ourselves. You don't just go on faking you have cancer to get money. That is an insult to anyone who's had cancer or people who have loved ones with it.

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  • I also think it's a terrible thing to do. My mom is a breast-cancer survivor and my family doesn't get money for that. We don't ask for things from other people, because we know we've got it all under control. If she needed extra money, why not just get a loan? At least that's not frowned upon or just downright wrong. It's not free money, but it's not a lie. Faking cancer for money is selfish, just selfish.
  • that is wrong why that is a dumb way to earn money
  • this is absolutely disrespectful! if you have to fake having cancer to get enough money for your honeymoon you should really change where you need to go!
  • Cancer is no joking matter, I bet she offended many cancer victoms
  • Thats a really dumb idea. she is probably the most disliked person in america right now. if money matters that much to her.
  • I'm really mad that she did that. Some people really have to put up with cancer and it is really hard for them, and she is just a horrible person.
  • If you wanted the wedding of your dreams, why wouldn't you just tell your family and friends your issue with money? I'm sure they would be more than likely to help you out because they would obviously want you to be happy on your wedding day.
  • money does weird things to you...
  • That is not right i think she should be charged with a federal offense. There are people out there that actually have cancer and are dying cause of it. I don't care how poor or despirate you are you never fake cancer that is very bad and not right!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • Thats really selfish and greedy. She should have to give everyone their money back. I don't know how anyone can have the heart to lie about something like that.
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