A 25 year old woman is being charged fo fraud and larceny. She was posing as an ill bride to get money for her dream wedding and honey moon. In all she collected thousands of dollars after claiming in 2010 that she was dying of leukemia. The couple spent their honeymoon in Aruba in May of 2010 and four months later she told the  Times Herald-Record that she had faked the whole thing.


The couple ended up getting divorced anyways.



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  • haha thats a good way to get money in a bad way...think of how the people with real cancer feel

  • Some people clearly don't understand how bad it actually is to have that disease. She should have to pay every last penny back to the people who gave her money. I mean she doesn't even know how bad the people with this disease need that money for hospital bills.

  • I cannot believe what people will do for money. This however, is very sad and not execptible. This is very bad. She should pay back everything.

  • That is wrong making fun of a serious disease to get money for something they want . People need to be honest that money could have gone to kids and other adults with leukemia. I hope she gets sued has and has to pay more than she got.

  • That's the second story like this i've heard in like a month. that lady should just be happy with the guy and not have to have some giant wedding. It's wrong for her to fake a fatal disease like that.

  • Why would she think to do something like that? Scamming money to go on a honeymoon and then getting divorced anyway. It's pretty low.

  • Not okay. Having leukemia can be serious and no one should lie about it just to get money. The money should have been used for people who actually need it!

  • Wow, that's pathetic - seriously. That money could have been spent on people with a real disease. I think she should have to repay back every penny she used up for her honeymoon/wedding that was given to her because she was sick. 

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