Russia's new anti-gay law has sparked confusion. There has been some calls that we America may be boycotting the next winter Olympics. This would make gays not able to express their sexuality in public. This will make some athletes not even able to compete in the Olympics. They are saying that they are bad role models for the kids, even though their are not very many gay/lesbians in Russia. It has been since 1980 that we have boycotted the Olympics it will be interesting to see what the final decision is.
I think that this is ridiculous, in my opinion. I don't think gays choose to be gay, so why punish them for something they can't control. Jesus said, "Love thy neighbor," not "Love thy neighbor only if they are straight." I think we should boycott the Olympics and also take action against this before it spreads and becomes like the Holocaust. And how would gays be bad role models? I think that a lot of them, at least all of them that I know, are extremely polite and have a great sense of humor.
I think this is a terrible law, in my opinion gays are not a bad influence on kids, some of the best athletes in the world are gay. I think we should boycott the next Olympics to make sure that nothing happens to any of the gay athletes.
They should just let whoever participate. It doesn't matter if your gay or lesbian. No matter who you are you still are a human being and your a citizen. If Russia doesn't allow gays or lesbians to participate I'm sure there will be a big controversial decision if they do.
I believe that someone is born who they are. Meaning if someone is gay that is how they were born. They didn't just decide to become gay because they wanted to. I think if we need to boycott the next Olympics for our players safety they we should.
Yeah it is kind of a weird law especially for the people in Russia that are going to pretty much have to hide their sexuality to others.
I don't think we should boycott the Olympics. I don't know how many gay/lesbians U.S. athletes their are except that basketball player which wouldn't matter for winter Olympics.
That is what I was thinking to Brody. But even it is like our beliefs in america in America and it upsets our country and athletes. It will be interesting to see what the outcome is.
What I don't understand is forcing people to suppress their sexuality, that's just ridiculous Then saying you can't perform at the Olympics if you are? What kind of world is this? Where people can't even express themselves because these people can't open their mind. I'm all for expressing your opinion, but come one. On that point I think go for it, boycott the Olympics, maybe (probably not though) it'll change someone's mind.
I would completely support the boycotting. They shouldn't be able to stop people from participating due to their sexuality. I would have thought differently a few years go until I heard somebody said, "How does it bother you? Why can't they do what makes them happy?"
Why is this issue only coming up now? It doesn't seem likely that gays could get married before and just can't now. Obviously anyone and everyone should be able to express themselves as they please, but with the issue only coming up now, it seems strange that nothing had been boycotted in Russia over this before. If something had, please enlighten me.