A sixth grade boy was told that he couldn't try out for his schools basketball team unless he shaved off his pink mohawk.  The pink mohawk was in support of his mother who has been battling against breast cancer. The principle who told him this has no been forced to apologize to the boy and help him organize a fundraiser for breast cancer research. Do you think this situation was handled appropriately?


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  • I think that is crazy! It's for his mother, it's to show he supports her. Which i personally think is amazing. I also think that it was good that the princaple was needed to appolize and help him with a fundraiser. I would keep my hair, for my mom. Just because family is always the most important, not a sport for only a quarter. I hope all works out with him Mommy! (:

  • No I don't think that the boy should have been ever been told he had to shave it. It is his hair he can wear it how he wants and no one should be able to tell them how do to do it, and I think that he shouldn't of had to explain to them why it was pink.

  • That is stupid. Why would you tell some kid that he couldn't support the recovery of his mom. That is just stupid. My step mom had cancer it wasnt breast cancer but it is still a type of cancer. I think it was right for the principal to have to apologize.

  • i would of just quit basketball my mother is more important than a sport to me. i wouldnt think its right to do that and glad they had to help him afterwards

  • That is sad! The boy was just doing it for his mom who had breast cancer! I think that they should have just let him keep it because it was for that! I think they handed it good in the end though.. I hope his mom handles the cancer and fights it out!

  • Well it's not like being in a basketball team is a necessity for living... and even if it was for breast cancer it's just some colored hair

  • I think he should've shaved it, a pink mohawk would be too distracting to the other team. It's still a good thing they had the fundraiser, but he could've worn something instead of having the mohawk.

  • This is horrible. the school shouldn't be prejudiced based on physical appearance. I can understand some dress code but telling someone that you can't participate in a sport because of your hair is totally not fair. I'm sad that the only reason  things worked out was because of his mother, it was wrong of them regardless of the reason he had a pink mohawk

  • Is it really that big of a deal if a kid has a pink mohawk. Why do schools not let kids do what they want with there hair its so dumb.

  • I think it's ridiculous that he was told he had to shave off his pink mohawk in the first place, but I think if they would have known what it represented in the first place, they never would have asked him to shave it off. I think the situation was handled well in the end, and I'm glad they are organizing a fundraiser for breast cancer research.

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