Boy teased for having long hair

A five year old boy started school with long hair. The other boys in his class started to tell him he looked like a girl just for having long hair.

I think this is sad that he gets teased just for having long hair.  My personal opinion is that I would never want that long of hair because mine is so curly.


Guys I want your opinion. Would you ever think about having long hair?  Any thoughts?

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  • Well, I dont like the fact that he was being teased by the other kids.... But he did kind of look like a girl...And other 5 year olds are going to tease a boy for that.

  • I personally dont think boys should have long hair but in fifth grade they shouldnt care! People shouldnt make fun of them just for haveing long hair but its kinda true that they do look like girls!

  • I think that guys shouldnt have their hair that long. It shouldnt be longer than a girls hair.

  • ive had long hair before. it gets in the way alot. so i keep it somewhat short now.

  • This kid doesn't know anybetter and for his parents to allow him to have that long of hair at that age is outrageous. Did he deserve to be picked on? No. Yet, his parents put him in that position.

  • His hair was so pretty but he's really cute with his new hair cut! I feel bad that he felt like he needed to cut it though, just because he was being bullied! Troy Polamalu has long hair and people make fun of it all the time. I bet they don't make millions on their hair like he does, though ;) 

  • That is terrible that he was made fun of for having long hair. Personally i love guys/kids with long hair. Kids that have long hair are so cute. I think its his decision if he wants to have kong hair then he can, and not get picked on for it.

  • His hair should not have been that long, but it's too bad he was teased for it. And no offense, but he did sort of look like a girl.

  • it shouldnt matter what the boy looks like.. he should be free to be who he wants.. and the people makeing fun of him are realy kinda ridiculous... kids are so mean these days.. they dont care either.

  • He needs to cut it off.. if its long like a girl especially

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