Boy Saves Sister's Life

A 3-year old girl started to choke on a grape. The 9-year old brother sees this happening and calls 911. This all happened during a normal snack time within the house on January 9. The mom responded quickly and tried to remove the grape, but it was stuck. Outside the building, a passerby performed CPR to keep her alive until the paramedics arrived. Even the paramedics couldn't get the grape unstuck. The 3-year old girl was then taken to the hospital where the doctors had to remove. I think this would be very scary to be the brother and see your sister almost die, and have to respond and call 911. I would also kind of freak to be the girl and have multiple people try to remove the grape, but only doctors being successful.

Would you guys have jumped into action as fast as the brother did? What do you think about the grape being so stuck that doctors had to take it out?

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  • Excellent job!!

  • I don't think I would of reacted that fast if I saw one of my siblings choking on a grape because I probably wouldn't be able to think that fast and know what exactly to do.

  • I would have tried to respond that quickly, but I don't think it would register as fast as it did for the little boy. She must have really done something to get it that stuck though

    • It must have been some weird shaped grape, too; grapes normally don't get stuck in throats.

  • I would have acted fast to save someone that I loved. I think it's wierd that the it took so many people to get the grape unstuck. It must have been stuck pretty good.

    • I think it would be hard to respond that fast.

  • Yes, even if it wasn't my sister I would have tried to save that person. I think it was probably an oversized grape or she should of tried to chew it more.

    • You would be a good person, just like the bystander on the street who attempted CPR.

  • I am very impressed that the young boy jumped into action so fast. I would have never been able to go into action and do the right thing that fast. I don't understand how the grape was so far down that the family couldn't get it out.

    • The boy is definitely a hero in my eyes, especially when I know I probably couldn't react that fast.

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