Miguel  Morin was only 8 months old when he was kidnapped. His babysitter and godmother,  Krystle Rochelle Tanner, took him when she was only supposed to babysit him for one night.

Now after 8 years, Miguel is to be reunited with his mother.

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  • Such a miracle that the mother gets to see her little boy again! I would be devistated if my babysitter took my little child for 8 years and couldnt find him. Tanner should be locked up for a very very very long time!

  • im glad that she found her child .. i would be mad and make sure that tanner would be in jail or something

  • I think that it is extremely horrible that an 8 month old would be torn away from his family for 8 years, but beautiful that he's going to have a chance to be reunited with his mom. You have to feel for the mother who lost 8 years of her baby's life....all the wonderful memories that could have been made from his toddler years, like going to preschool and kindergarten and stuff like that.

  • he should go to jail for rest of his life.


  • That's great that they're reunited, but that takes so much away from the parents. They didn't get to raise him or witness his childhood.

  • I think that it is terrible to have a kid not be with his mother during his first 8 years of his life, which are some of the most important years for a kid to be with his mother. Now that he is going back to his mother though I think that is really good for both the kid and his mother. 

  • This is awesome how they finally got reunited! But i gotta say what a terrible person to pick for a godmother!!

  • I think it's so sad that he was kidnapped in the first place. Eight years is really long time to be seperated from your mom. But I am glad that he got to go back to his mother eventually.

  • That is so sweet to be able to be reunited with her child after 8 years. I hope the people that kidnapped him were locked up because that is so wrong to steal someone else's child when they had trusted you to care for it while they were gone.

  • They sould do something to the babysitter and godmother. I would tell the god mother that she can't be the goemother any more.

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