A boy accidentally shot his sister with a gun that he had been given as a birthday present. The gun was made for children. The company is "Cricket" It was a 22 caliber gun. The mother had just stepped outside for just a moment. The mother didn't relieze there was a shell still in the gun. He little boy was just playing with the rifle and it accidentally went off; she later died at the hospital.


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  • OH MY GOSH!! this is terrible... The poor little boy didn't even know what he was doing! First of all you dont get your 5 year old son, a gun that could kill someone, for his birthday. Second of all you dont leave your little son and baby daughter alone with a gun!

  • the parent here is completely and utterly at fault. thats just terrible!  if you had just gotten a gun for your 5 year old, you would think that you be around him at all times!

  • What kind of company makes guns for kids? like what the heck. and you also shouldn't just leave your kid alone with a gun in his hands.

  • This is a terrible tragedy and my prayers go out to the family of the little girl!

  • Why would you give a 5 year old a gun, with a 2 year old in the house, what if the two year old would  have gotten a hold of it, they should have said no to the 5 year old and listened to his complaining they would still have their daughter. 

  • That is so sad. I would hate to be that little boy he has got be feeling horrible! That poor family!

  • First, I don't understand why they would make a Rifle for children. Second, why would you get your young child a rifle. Third, why would you let you child play with the rifle loaded or unloaded unsupervised? It just isn't smart at all in my
    Point of view.
  • I don't understand why you let a 5 year old kid have a gun, and why would you leave him alone with a gun? People are just stupid.

  • Who makes a gun for little kids and who lets their kids play with rifles when there are no adults in the house? This is too sad, I'm hoping the family recovers good from this.

  • Why would they make a 22 for kids? I didn't shoot a 22 till I was 8 or 9. that's really stupid giving a kid a gun. And this is why we need tighter gun control.

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