Jeff Bauman was a attending the Boston Marathon when the bombing went off. Bauman was standing at the finish line for his now fiance. He lost both of his legs in the bombing. A day after he finished 2 life-saving surgeries, he helped police identify the bomber. But now the tables have turned in his favor. He announced that he will be getting married and that his fiance is pregnant. Bauman is also in the process of writing a book, "Stronger", which will be about his experiences of the bombing. 

What do you think of his accomplishments in overcoming so many obstacles? What do you think it takes to overcome these adversities? 

Link to the full story is here.

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  • Good story but you never replied.

  • Its great that he is finding happiness even after a terrible accident. His book will probably help a lot of people through hard times and show how much strength you can have in bad times.

  • It was so horrible that that event occurred but it is amazing that the people recovering are going back to normal happy lives. It does take a lot to overcome these traumatic experiences especially to be able to come out into public and trust complete strangers.

  • I think he's a very strong man from all of the obstacles since the bombing. 

  • I think it is great he is doing/involved in so many great life changing events. It must be very hard for him after everything he went through with losing his legs. It is great to seem him writing a book on his experiences.

  • i think that he is doing good and is stand up to the bombers

  • It is great to hear that he is getting married and writing  a book. I bet a lot of people will read his book and be inspired by it

  • I think it takes a strong will and a lot of faith. It is amazing that he is able to continue on with his life. It is great he is getting married, now she will be able to support him and they can be together. 

  • It is good that he over came these obstacles. He may be stronger from this. I am happy that he is engaged and that his fiance is pregnant. Everything seems to be working out for him right now. 

  • I think it's excellent that this man managed to overcome such a obstacle and have the courage to write a book about his experience.

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