A 106 year old woman is finally getting her diploma 9 decades after her senior teacher denied her of it because she wouldn't read a book. She had already read it and didn't feel the need to read it again. Her daughter talked to people at the school, got it all sorted, and she is now receiving her diploma. The school does not yet know if they will mail it to her or have a ceremony.
Read the full story here.
I'm happy she is finally getting what she deserves. The school was ridiculous not to give it to her because of a book! On the other hand, what is she going to do with it at the age of 106?
What do you think?
But she had read it! the school was refusing to give her her diploma because she refused to reread a book? I'm glad they got that sorted before she died.
That is crazy. I dont know why they hadn't done anything about it earlier. she couldn't have been making much money without a diploma
cool story! Its kinda cool that she is receiving it even if it is 90 years later!
this story is so presh and that is crazy that they would give her diploma because she didnt read a book.. even tho it took almost 90 years its still awesome that she finally got it!
I am also happy she got the diploma, but im still not sure on why she wouldn't read the book? Her living 106 years is amazing!
I think that is really old to get a diploma! I also wonder why she chose until the age of 106 to get it. Its weird they also wouldnt let her get it because she wouldnt read the book.
A book? Really teacher? If i was that woman's teacher, I would have still let her graduate because she had still read the book that was needed. She has now finally officially graduated high school. Congratulations.
She deserves her diploma. I would think her teacher would have her read something else or accept that she had already read it. I hope she can have a ceremony...a really big one for all she missed out on.
Why does she deserve it? All she had to do was read a book a second time in the first place. It's her fault to begin with.