Blog Assignement #2-USH #3 CWI

CWI and USH:

Tomorrow(Tuesday) marks the 11th anniversary of 9-11. For the blog assignment this week, describe in detail what happened that day, who was responsible for the attack and why they attacked us and the affects that 9-11 had on the US. Also include what you remember from that day(if you remember anything!!).

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  • 3310306334?profile=original3310302411?profile=originalOn the day of September 11, 2001, a terroritst group called al-Qaeda hijacked 4 planes and used them for destruction. It was a suicide mission to attack America. Two of the planes hit the WTC towers one on the North tower and one on the south tower. Everybody stood in shock as the first plane rammed into the tower. After a while another plane came and hit the other tower and that plane was a sign of a terrorist attack. Two hours after the attack, the towers collapsed and did massive destruction. While in D.C, a third plane crashed into the side of the Pentagon. The fourth plane never reached its destination due to the heroic passengers that were held captive. The passengers sacrificed their lives by overpowering them with a food cart and tried to break into the cockpit to stop them from reaching either the White House or the Captial building. Nobody knows what their target was, but thankfully they failed. The people responsible for the attack by the masterminds Khalid Shaikh Mohammed and the leader of al-Quada, Osama bin Laden. Many people say different things on why they attacked us. some say of religious beliefs, other say it's to show that superpower counrties can be attacked, and many other reasons. This affected us in population and spirit. People rallied together and stood up for the phrase "United we Stand" and lived on that to keep spirits alive and to help the injured and to assist the firefighters in search of survivors. The security was raised in airports and other places. Nearly 3,000 people died in the attacks including all 227 passengers and 19 terrorists. From what I remember.....nothing. I only know from what my mom says in her point of view. All I know is of the shocked face of my mom lookin at the TV screen

    • Ben,

      This needs to go into your blog.
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