Blind Man is Beaten in Philadelphia

A 33 year old blind man was walking down the sidewalk in Philadelphia, when a surveillance camera caught 29 year old Mustafa Guyton look at the man and then proceed to push him to the ground and beat him. After the attack, Guyton picked up his backpack and continued on his way, leaving the man with injuries to his head and face. Police are still unsure of the man's motive and reports say that the blind man did not recognize the voice of his attacker. And just when it couldn't be bad enough, the video that caught the attack also shows multiple bystanders and witnesses of the attack make no effort whatsoever to do anything about the beating, but instead act as if nothing is happening.

I think this story is overall very sad, and it makes me mad knowing that no one witnessing the attack did anything to help out the blind man or end the attack in any way. What are your thoughts on the beating? If you were a witness to this attack, what would you have done to stop it? How would you have helped the victim?

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  • Excellent job Lauren!

  • Why. Do. People. Think they can get away with cruel things, like beating the disabled, or elderly? Its just like. No.

  • That is horrible! It isn't even fair cause its hard to defend yourself when your blind. Imagine getting beat up blind folded, that would be 10 times as worse. If i was a witness i wouldn't of physically help in case the guy had a knife or gun or something but i would of defiantly called the police and ran to get someone! 

  • I think that someone should have stepped in. I can't even imagine just standing there and not doing anything about it. Someone should have called the cops if they were to afraid to intervene or at least tried to stop the man from being beaten. If I was in the bystanders' positions, I would have called the cops, but I don't think I would have been brave enough to stop the beating. 

  • I think it's awful nobody stepped in to stop this, some people are messed up these days. I would of helped the poor man. Especially since he was blind. 

  • This is incredibly sad! I wonder why the man just started beating up the blind man! Did they know each other? Or have some type of connection. If I were a witness I don't think I physically would have helped the blind man out. I wouldn't have the courage too. My first instinct would to be get away just incase Mustafa Guyton would hurt me, but once I got away I would call the police.

  • This story is sad why would somebody go beat a blind man. If I were a witness I would have gone to help the man and made sure he was alright if he was to badly hurt I would have taken him too the hospital.

  • This is terrible. I would have helped the man being beaten. It seemed like the man had no reason to beat the blind man. The people should have not just stood there acting like nothing was wrong they should have stepped in and helped the blind an out. 

    • I completely agree!

  • How could people just stand by and let this happen? It sickens me to know this is happening. I hope the criminal is charged and people all around can learn to help others in need.

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