Higinio Salgado faces murder charges for murdering a architect Graham Downes. On Monday they decided that he is not fully responsible for the charges because he was drunk. Salgado faces charges for beating his boss Downes. The murder charges entered the second week, a psychiatrist took stand on the charges. There were things leading up to this death, they were working and had an argument. Monday’s witness said that being “blackout drunk” means the person is unconscious, and have no control of anything. Although an intoxication defense can not completely excuse Salgado of the crime.

I think no matter how drunk you are, this is never an excuse. I would never let someone off for murder, especially if their excuse was they were intoxicated.  

Do you think since he was drunk the charges should be dropped? What do you think he should be charged with?

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  • Good job!!

  • He chose to get drunk and drink so much to black out. I think he should be murdered or have a huge fine. It's his fault for getting drunk in the first place.

  • I don't think he should be able to use this for an excuse.  It was his choice to drink this much, which lead to problems.  He needs to pay the price for his bad choices.

  • i think since he was drunk he should get more charges and i think he needs to be charged with drunkiness and murder

  • I think he should definitely should be charged with murder. He was responsible for getting drunk, so ultimately it is still his fault.  I bet anyone in that situation would do anything to get out of being charged. 

  • I think that because he made the choice to drink and be stupid he should have full responsibility for his actions.

  • When a person is drunk, it's true that they cannot control themselves. However, it's a person's responsibility not to get drunk in the first place. I believe he deserves full punishment for his actions as he knew full and well what could happen with intoxication. 

  • I don't care if he was drunk, he still murdered someone. I wouldn't drop the charges just because he was drunk. It was all on him to get drunk to the point of blacking out. 

  • I definitely don't think since he was drunk that they should drop the charges. He can control how much he drinks and if he knows he could get like that then he can prevent it by not drinking to that point where he goes unconscious. 

  • I think the charges should not be dropped because he deserved them. Probably a really high fine. 

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