Osama Bin Laden's Plot to kill our president Barrack Obama?! Click on the link and read about how we found material in Bin Laden's compound on the plots and assassination on our president Obama.

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  • It was a good thing that the U.S got him before he got the U.S. i can imagine how bad it would have been if it would have actually happened.

  • Good thing we got to him first! Thats crazy, good thing Bin Laden is dead, now we dont have to worry about him trying to mess up the country!

  • Whoa im glad Biin ladens dead so he is done messing up our country.

  • I didnt know that Osama wanted to kill Obama.  I guess it makes sense though because Obama is the president of the United States.  I wonder if its because hes the president or if he just doesnt like him.

  • That's kinda creepy. I wonder what would've happened to Obama if Bin Laden hadn't been killed first...that's kind of a scary thought. Hopefully no one takes up the position to be leader of finishingthatjob.

  • thats crazy, who would have thought that bin laden hated obama to the point where he wanted to kill him

  • That's weird. i didnt know obama had done anything to be hated by anyone but the us yet

  • Crazy! I can understand why he would want attack on the country though.

  • This is crazy. I never new that Osama bin Laden hated president Obama. If his plans would have been continued I don't know what the US would have done.

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