
  • unfortunatelly i was unable to attend this but im sure it was good

  • I thought that it was really cool to have one of the previous student of Harlan Community High School that went on to go to the NFL to be a kicker come back and show/tell all of us student what to do and what to not do that he has learned throughout his life. 

  • i think he did a great job at relaying a message for all of us

  • i think it was a good message.. im glad he came he should us good things and thought us things about his life isnt just as we picture it

  • I thought that it was very good. Billy Cundiff told us how the NFL is not the dream life that we picture it. You are always on the hot seat and are away from your family a lot. I thought it was intersting that the most NFL players would be broke or devoriced.

  •  He had a good point to his speech and it was really good. I enjoyed listening to him speak but It was kinda boring. I felt like all he talked about what football and not everyone can relate to football. I dont know anything about football so his speech was kinda pointless to me.  I got lost when we was explaining something about football so then I just started talking to my friend because I got bored.

  • i think he gave an amazing message that really hit home for me. i also think that a lot of people blew it off. and too many people thought they are just  "good" enough to listen to him.

  • I think that it was good that he can express how he really doesn't care what other people think of him and that he's able to move on. He set a good example. I don't really care for the Ravens, but I think that it's cool that he comes back to Harlan to relay that message.


  • I liked how he took the topics or points he wanted us to think about and apply to what we do and compared them to real examples in his life. I thought what he talked about was usefulo and important.

  • i think it was a really good message .. not just for jobs but for life .. be determinate in what to do and dont give up no matter the challenge 

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