Bill Nye Slams Creationism

Bill Nye the television scientist is slamming creationism on a new online web cast for Big Think titled "Creationism Is Not Appropriate For Children." The video has gone viral and has been viewed more than 1,100,000 times. "Your world becomes fantastically complicated if you don't believe in evolution," Nye said in the now well watched pod cast.And also says "when you have a portion of the population that doesn't believe in it, it holds everyone back."

although i absolutely adore Bill Nye the science guy,(his video tapes made me love science class) I am not a believer in creationism at all, and am kind of sad that Bill does not share my views on the matter, but he is a scientist so i guess it should not be surprising that he is pro evolution.

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  • i don't think that is right that he can affect how someone can think if a kid believes in it then they could listen to this podcast and well bill Nye doesn't like it so they shouldn't like it either

  • yeah Bill Nye is idolized on atheism communities on the internet, along with Neil Degrasse Tyson and Richard Dawkins. I personally agree with him that religion has no place in the education system and not teaching kids the actually scientific theories would be a failure of education

  • I think that Bill's intentions are good, but he wasn't careful enough on how he went about stating his beliefs. I don't think that not believing in creationism will complicate a child's life any more than believing in it. Their both controversial topics with a lot of grey areas and questions. It's a difficult issue to talk about because it is something that a lot of people feel very strongly about.

  • i have no problem with people giving their opinions on things like that. It is their right. But with bill nye being an adult figure for some kids and saying that. I think bill nye has lost some of his fans from this..

  • I believe that people should have their own opinion on things like this hes just speaking his mind hes just using the first amendment that this country fought for.

  • WOW! Thats hursh, you just can't go out there and start SLAMMING people for what they belive in.

  • I think that you should have your right to your own beliefs and that he should tell those he hurt that he is sorry

  • I dont understand why they are doing this to him. He is a good guy and teaches kids alot things. He has good reasons and i dont understand how they can judge him by this?

  • I like Bill Nye. I watched those when I was in middle school and it taught me some things that I didn't know and gave me a big laugh sometimes too. I'm not a believer of creationism either.

  • he may be a scientist but that doesnt always mean hes right. people all have their own beliefs about everything. just because one scientist says one thing doesnt mean they'll all say that

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