Bikers vs. SUV

The incident took place on Manhattan's West Side Highway on Sunday. Police said a man driving a Range Rover with his wife and 2-year old daughter struck a motorcyclist who had slowed. Alexian Lien, the driver, pulled over and was surrounded by other bikers, part of a group called Hollywood Stuntz. They hit the vehicle and spiked its tires, police said. The driver pulled away, plowing into three more bikers, including Edwin Mieses, who was critically injured. The bikers chased him. Once he was stuck in traffic, they cornered the SUV. The video shows one biker, the one being sought by police, using his helmet to smash the driver's-side window. The bikers then dragged Lien out of the SUV and beat him. Lien was treated at a local hospital for slashes to his face. Lien's wife and child were unharmed during the incident. 

Who do you think is the real victim here? Lien for getting beaten, or Mieses, whose family claims was only trying to help Lien?

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  • Well done Cade!

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