According to a report by the Wall Street Journal, Apple is reportedly testing larger screens for iPhones. Apple is announcing new products on Tuesday, September 10th, but it is expected to be an updated iPhone 5, called the 5s, and a cheaper version of the phone, possibly the iPhone 5c. The iPhone 5 was the first Apple phone to feature a screen larger than the original 3.5 inches, moving to 4 inches. The report claims sizes ranging from 4.8-6 inches are currently being tested.
While these new models will more than likely not be revealed at Tuesday's pres conference, I still feel it will be so soon to introduce more screen sizes. While it wouldn't hurt to have a slightly larger screen, I personally feel that they are fine how they are. The Galaxy Note 3, shown here on the right, is a 5.7 inch screen. If Apple began producing a phone that sized, would you want one?
Good job on both of your posts! You didn't reply much at all as the week went on to students comments however.
I think it was a really good idea to make the 5c more affordable.
iPhones getting bigger is going to be simply to compete with Samsung. The two big "people" in the Smartphone world are Apple and Samsung. Business is a "monkey see, monkey do" affair as well. For example, Nokia has a few different color options for their smartphones. The new iPhone 5c has multiple color options other than the standard Black, White, or even Gold. Regardless, I think each iPhone from this point on will get bigger. Samsung (and Apple,) are both right to make big phones. Why? Who, honestly, enjoys having to hunch over or squint at text on a phone? No one.
While there is a tipping point (Galaxy Note) on how big a PHONE should be, Apple, and Samsung, haven't reached that point for a dedicated Phone. If you ask me, the iPad Mini was possibly the worst marketing idea of all time, but that's just an opinion.
To me the iPhone is big already. I think that if they get any bigger no one will like them, but sometimes you never know. But some people might like bigger screens too.
No i currently have an iphone and i like the size of the screen. It fits well in my hand and can operate the screen with one finger. Looking at the size of the other phone i feel it would be harder to operate the screen.
I would want one. The iPhone 5s also has fingerprint technology in it, so that would be a cool feature to try out. The new colors that they came out with are also pretty cool; which include a gold iPhone 5s. They are pretty expensive though starting at $200 for the 5s and $100 for the 5c.
I think they should stop focusing so much on screen size. Personally I think they need to work on the battery life. You can barely go from morning until night before they die if your lucky. Also how do they expect people to fit these in their pockets??
I think the Iphone is a good size how it is. If they keep maker it bigger it won't fit in your pocket, and it would get annoying having a huge phone to carry around. I wouldn't want a bigger phone than the Iphone 5.
iPhones are getting too big to the point where its almost the equivalent to that of an iPad mini. Even though I don't have an iPhone I know what their like and do not like how big they are already... I have a much older phone with nothing fancy... but it gets the job done.
The newest iPhone is too big already so I don't think they should make bigger ones. You wouldn't be able to fit them in your pockets or other certain places that you usually do. I would make them a little smaller and thinner. If you call someone and the phone is that big then it's going to look funny. If they just kept it the same size it is now then that would be fine.