Bigfoot: Found Evidence?

Recently Scientists have been examining evidence found in places Bigfoot was claimed to have been seen. They were able to do DNA testing and claim to have found a hybrid species with a trace of human DNA. These scientists have been searching and working on this project for 5 years in the woody areas of Vermont and other Northeast states.

        I honestly believe in sasquatches because if they were part human they would have the instinct to hide from us since we have been searching for them ever since the legend was hypothesized.

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  • I think that is really, uh, interesting. I think that everything has a logical ecsplination. Maybe there is something out there, sort of like "Big Foot" but I would have to see it in person to believe in it's ecsistence.

  •  I honestly don't think that big foot is real. For me to believe that big foot is real they actually need to have real proof of his existence.

  • its cool but i dont think he's real... its prob just people just messing with us. but you never know what it could be it would be cool it he was real.

  • Big foot is real i have believed in big foot for as long as i can remember. I can't wait till they actually have proof they are real.
  • That is pretty cool, it is also a little freaky. Its cool how people can use dna to track him! I hope they actually do then we can no for sure on things.

  • This is really cool, how they can use DNA to trace Bigfoot. I think it will probably take these scientist more than 5 years to find more information and DNA on this Bigfoot.

  • Thats really cool! I think it would be really interesting if they could somehow use the DNA to grow the 'big foot'.

  • That is so cool! I believe that they are real, because why would so many people lie about seeing them? I hope they dig deeper and figure out whether they are real or not.

  • I think big foot is just a myth and that we shouldn't be wasting our time searching for him. with all the money they spend with finding big foot they could be using it to search for a cure to cancer.

  • I don't believe in Bigfoot, they must have done something to get some attention. I am not going to fall for this. If people are going to believe in Bigfoot 100% then try to capture it. We have the technology to do it. Go where the scientists say they saw him and see if he's real. Mostly I think of a guy in a costume pretending to be bigfoot.

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