Many have known that Justin Bieber had been participating in some pretty wrong acts, but the most recent one is pretty shocking. Tuesday, January 23rd Bieber was arrested. The official charges he was booked with were, resisting arrest, drunken driving, and driving without a valid license.The initial arrest was made after a officer spotted a yellow Lamborghini racing in a residential neighborhood in Miami. Both cars were excelling the speed limit, so they were pulled over. Justin was being uncooperative and questioning why he had been pulled over, acting as if he had done nothing wrong. He had failed a sobriety test and was booked immediately put in jail. Along with what he was charged with the police state Bieber as having a, "flushed face, bloodshot eyes, and the odor of alcohol on his breath."
After only an hour of being in a Miami jail he was released on a $2,500 bond. While leaving the jail he sat on top of a car and waved to screaming fans who has seemed to be waiting for him to come out. Police Chief Raymond Martinez stated Bieber had, "made some statements that he had consumed some alcohol, and that he had been smoking marijuana and consumed some prescription medication." This is not the only time the law has had trouble with Justin Bieber. The incident with egging his neighbors house is still being investigated, but to clarify this is his first time being arrested.
What do you think about the newest with Bieber? Will you still support him? Do you think stores and parents should start banning his items and music from kids?
Excellent forum post and great job replying!
The actions of Bieber as of late disgust me. Since he is a widely known and very popular celebrity, he thinks he can do whatever he wants and get away with it. Beliebe it or not, he got what he deserved.
I honestly think that fame isn't good for some people. People like Justin have God given gifts and they abuse and misuse them to the point that it gets to be something like this. I feel sorry for the people who look up to and praise him because it's not right what he did. People can say "everyone makes mistakes," but honestly with accepting to becoming a public figure you take on the responsibilities of setting good examples for your followers and this was most certainly not being a positive influence on the people who look up to him.
I honestly think that fame isn't good for some people. People like Justin have God given gifts and they abuse and misuse them to the point that it gets to be something like this. I feel sorry for the people who look up to and praise him because it's not right what he did. People can say "everyone makes mistakes," but honestly with accepting to becoming a public figure you take on the responsibilities of setting good examples for your followers and this was most certainly not being a positive influence on the people who look up to him.
I don't think stores should start banning his items. I think he is just at a bad tie right now. He just needs to start being a good role model like he used to be.
Me personally, he is a bad influence on kids, there are alot of kids who look up to him and listen to his music and stuff. Who knows if these kids will try to do what he does. I think that they should start to ban his items and the music from him as well. He really needs to get his life together before doing anything else.
Hopefully the ridiculous media coverage of this stops soon because its embarrassing.
This video shows a reporter interrupting a congress woman with bieber news. This unsettling display of American media is painful to watch.
I don't get why he would do that stuff since he is like everyone's idol. He should of thought of things better than what he actually did. No, he should just stop doing what he's doing, and go to Canada and be with his family.
I think he is letting fame get to his head and believing he can get away with anything. I think parents should definitely start watching out for what famous people are influencing their children.
I think he either needs to realize that he is doing things that are just bad, or stop trying to be famous. It is not being a good example for younger people. I didn't really like Bieber to begin with, and now I definitely do not like him.