Of the 70% of the population who can speak Mandarin, many do not do it well enough, a ministry spokeswoman said on Thursday.TO be frank,sometimes we can't understand(or have diffculty to understand) what others said,because their accent or they don't speak Mandarin!In French history,their language trends to the same,they mixed,but in China,we use the same language because of the law,and there's a big population in China,so...

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  • I think that it is a good law because if not everyone knows the language, communicating becomes a lot harder.

  • I have heard that this is a hard language to learn, and when there are numerous dialects, it can make it very challenging to communicate. I do not think that there should be a law that says you have to speak only one language.

  • I don't really get how if you grew up with the language that you can't even speak it. I understand that some people came from different countries when they were young and might have had to learn a new language and it won't be perfect, but how long will it really take?

  • I think they should just learn one language and make life more easy. Either that or have a better education system so everyone can learn the language. 

  • Why is it the law for all Chinese people to only have one language, and if that is law then how come not everyone knows the language.

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