Beating the Claw game

It is so hard to actually get what you want out of the machines! And now there is a way to beat it?!?! First they say you should study the machine. After you have done this put your coins in and take your time which means dont push the button until there is five seconds left! Use a spotter or also known as a good friend. Last watch and wait they think some machines are made so they only win once every ten times of tries. What the heck! I think these games are jinxed what do you think will these techniques work?

Visit The claw machine to figure out how you can get that awesome prize!!

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  • These tips are pointless. You have to close your eyes and be the crane. That is how you really win.

  • I used to love playing these when i was little, but after awhile i just stopped wasting money on them.  It's impossible to win without wasting a ton of money.

  • haha i thought that this game  was one that always is so hard to win... i only have gotten like 2 prizes from there  in my whole life! one of my boyfriends actually loved that game and he always was like addicted to them because he just wanted to win :)  wow... now theres a way to win!? thats cool :) i actually like this game.

  • take the light stuff with handles. DO NOT GO FOR THINGS LIKE CELL PHONES because they are to heavy and the claw will open.

  • I remember I won a teddy bear from one of those things...I think thats the only time I won something from it though. They are huge rip-offs.

  • there is this one at adventureland inn and its not normal you dont control with a stick you hit a button twice first it goes forward you hit it then it goes sideways you hit it but it actually grabs good my mom spent $100 ($1 tries)but i wond at least $150 in animals and there was a gumball machine that had gumballs 5 times the normal size and they were easy to get i got like 10 of them for $2.5 if you ever go there use the machines they are easy to get stuff but it is true study it first like the gumball one you grab off bottom if its showing because it pushes down and has a suction cup to pick it up. I just stop look and if i have change try it if i win within 5 tries i keep going then i get used to it and win more.

  • These games aren't meant for winning there meant for wasting your money. They pack the toys in these games down so you can't grab the one you want. I don't think any technique can ensure you win.

  • hahah i can never get anything out of these stupid machines. i get so mad and so does my dad cuz we waste our money trying to win.

  • i like to play this games .. and its true .. you really need to study the machine before you play.. if it have some easy that you are sure its easy to catch you play.. if its not you dont play

  • These machines are rigged. You can spend all day at these things and not win anything. I think they should make It so you win every time.

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