Bathsalts the new "IT" drug???

Eatting people is one of the side effects from using bathsalts. But bathsalts are still legal in much of the United States, but a string of recent episodes where Americans believed to be under the influence of the narcotic engaged in zombie-like behavior has brought the drug to the forefront of the public’s attention. So how are people getting them? Bathsalt has a street vaule from $80- $300. So how are "homeless" people paying for it?


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  • Thats really scary that it makes people act like zombies. I remember when the incident in Miami happened and a lot of internet sites tried saying that people were turning into zombies and stuff and it was pretty scary. Haha. I hope bathsalts don't start getting used around here.

  • I remember when laundry detergent was the "it" drug, people will take advantage of any high they can get. I'm interested in why they cause people to engage in cannibalism. this brings up whole new possibilities for the zombie apocalypse

  • I don't know why someone would think of using bath salts as a drug maybe they didn't know the effects but still u shouldn't use odd things as drugs it could kill you which it did kill them people just need to find something safe to do that isnt a drug or they shouldn't drugs at all.

    • They don't actually use bath salts like you use in baths. That is just the street name, you can find them, in some states, in convenient stores. They usually go by an array of different names but they are all bath salts. They usually don't kill people, they are a chemical.

  • i think people would be stupid to do this and i dont want know one eating my face

  • It should be ILLEGAL everywhere if the side effects are true. Many people might die because of it. I heard about it last year and they should've made it illegal way back then. We might have an actual zombie apocalypse if the government doesn't do anything about those stupid drugs. I mean come on people. its like they are blind and cannot read that drugs are BAD and can KILL YOU.

  • I think that bathsalts can be terrible if used in the wrong way but if used in the right way than they are alright.

  • I heard about this on the news. It's really disgusting. It's hard to believe that these are legal just because they say "not for human consumption" on them. If anything could make someone eat another person then it should not be legal

  • Actually the first known attack a non-homeless man attacked a homeless man, I haven't heard any reports of the homeless getting these drugs.....

  • I would say that we should just ban bath salts, but some people actually use them the legit way, to take a bath. I just hope people will realize that the side affects of it are too risky and dangerous. Why would anyone want to possibly become a zombie?

    I just hope nothing like this happens around here!

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