Two armed robbers lead the police on a chase while throwing money out the window of their car after robbing a bank in Los Angeles. The police did catch them. I think that they were trying to get people to run out on the street in front of the police car to grab the money. What are your thoughts and opinions? To watch the video click on this link.

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  • Maybe they stole the money to help other people? maybe you have it right? But that is pretty strange!

  • wow! The people who robbed that bank probably couldn't get any more stupid if they tried. First of all the point o robbing a bank is to keep the money for your self not throw it out the window. Plus is was completely negligent of them to throw it with the hopes that other people would run into the street after it which could have gotten somebody killed!

  • I've seen this video, and to be completely honest I am a bit envious of the people who were able to pick up some money. I agree with Sarah's reply, and believe that there should be a legal way of saying that instead of stealing.

  • well that was certainly dumb of them. if you were going to rob a  bank you beter have a better plan than that! just saying! they just came across to me as very intelligent robbers, GO COPS!

  • Dumb. That is all I can think of. Wow. You'd think that the money was the whole reason they robbed the bank in the first place. Common sense is something in which these two people are obviously lacking. Come on people!

  • Well oviously no one would go out onto the street when there is a car coming right at you. It's also wrong to take stolen money from fugitives and probally isn't very smart to take it when the police are watching you. Oviously they didn't think this through which is good since the police caught them because of their mistakes.

  • Obviously these so called "robbers" weren't very intelligent. Throwing money out of your car window right after robbing it, but police still arrested them. And the fact that they may have done it to get people to run out and grab it, why would people run out in the middle of the road especially when there are police cars going really fast right at them.

  • I think this might have been a strange way that they could've used to get the people to run out into the street. And i also agree with keenan that they would steal the money then be giving it back to the people.

  • if i was the cop then i would have stopped picked some up then quit!!! nah jk but i dont know why they would just throw it out of the car when they could jsut attempt to get away with itt and not stop and just keep going i guess that couldve worked but people wont just run out in the middle of the road to get money im sure they would look to see if cars were coming and im sure sirens were going off so duh of course people wont run out on the road!!!!.

  • I saw this on the news and thought it was crazy! I always wonder what goes on in the minds of people who rob banks and such. It makes no sense to throw out all the money you just stole, because when you get caught you'll still get in trouble for it!

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