Balloon Proposal Falls Flat

A US vicar was going to propose to his girlfriend up in a hot-air balloon but it was an epic failure.He had stored the wedding ring in his camera bag, but he dropped it over 500 ft to the forest below. Since she didn't know he was going to propose, he decided not to tell her, but she caught on.So then, he proposed with a plastic tie twist. She said yes, but as soon as they landed he gathered up some friends and they combed the forest for his camera bag. In the end, they did find it, so now she has a real wedding ring.FYI-at the end of this semester, i will release the names of my secret websites in a forum

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  • OHH i didn't read that it was in a camera bag. I thought it was just the ring he dropped and they found it. duh
  • i wonder how long it took them to find it.
  • Ha oh boy. Good thing she said yes.
  • aww thats so cute !!!
  • I love that he ended up proposing with a plastic tie twist, it's so nerdy and cut. It's good that they found his bag though.
  • That's really sweet. That's kind of scary though, that you spent all that money for nothing.
  • Wow, how nice of you. and this is pretty bomb. at least she said yes
  • this story is a lot sweeter than the ones you usually post....
    oh, and you're finally going to reveal your secrets, huh? lol.
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