Bad cat food sold nation wide!

This cat food that is being sold nation wide is affecting humans and cats. Utah is selling this product and it is being mixed with slamnella. With people serving this contaminated food, they can get animals sick and other humans. People don't awash their hands so when they just feed the cats out of Utah's product, it will get the animal and your self sick. It cause infections the dogs stomach and cause them to die, if people are not care full. 

What would you do if you saw someone giving food to a cat and they didn't wash their hands?

I would tell them to wash their hands cause if they got that cat sick it could die.

Do you think Utah can fix these problems with their cat food company?

I think yes they could eventually fix theirs preoblem but make the food less contaminated with stuff.



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  • Overall, your summary is brief and also be sure to capitalize key words in your title.  You only replied three times and should have replied about nine times. With no internet at hme, you just need to make sure to get it done at school.

  • I wouldn't care because it's not my problem if they get sick and Its not my fault either.I think they should recal the food if they know its contaminated but it is hard to say what they would do.

  • If i would have a cat and someone feeds him or her with dirty hands i would not do anything because i think animals cat handle such food but i think that we need to keep clean our hands all the time. UM..Who knows. We can only figure it out after when everything get over because now i cant say anything and i dont know. I hope that  not only Utah state but all US will look at such problems more ceriously.

  • I probably wouldn't do anything unless it was my pet because It's their decision to that, but if I did I would just tell them to use a cup or something to scoop to food. Utah could fix these problem by providing some kind of item to pour the food with 

    • I would agree with you about if its not being your pet because people usally only really care about their pets. The company should just make the bags of cat food come with somthing so then people so have to put their hands in the food.

  • 1. I personally would  joke about it saying something like ," Ooohh my god you didn't wash your hands? Man you're such a stankie stannk," in a funny voice. Then if they don't wash their hands I'll tell them seriously that thats disgusting. 

    2. Well if people and animals are getting hurt from salmnella then definelty they could get it fixed. All they would have to do is either take out raw food or cook the food fully. 

    • Yes, I feel like people don't understand the seriousness of the grems they can be spreading to these cats. It can eventualy start to kill cats. They should really fix the problem of the salmnella, like cook it or something so then they son't have to woory about costomers complaining about their cat food.

  •       If i saw someone doing this, I wouldn't even hesitate to tell them to wash their hands. I have two cats at home and we always wash our hands before feeding them their dry and wet foods. I believe Utah should fix these problems because the company could be killing the poor animals. 

    • yes, I would absolutly agree with you because Cats are going to end up dying if Utah dosen't taek care of these problems. Utahs compay is eventually goi be shut down if they don't fix thier problem, they aren't understanding whats happpend but the nned too for being able to save cats lives.

  • I would let them do whateever they please. I wouldn't want people telling me what to do in my own house hold with my own pets. I would maybe mention it to them though. I think that they could definetely work on better product.

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