Baby with a rifle

Father, Christopher Duffy had just brought home a rifle when his daughter Jenna, a baby, grabbed onto the rifle. Christopher had let the infant continue to hold on the light rifle and later he took a picture because he thought it was okay for the child to be playing with a gun. He then posted that picture on Facebook with the support of the store of purchase, Woodbridge Firearms, who re-posted the picture. Many people are upset with the idea that it's okay to let your child play with guns, big guns. I agree, you can't let your child play with guns, even isn't loaded, because it still can give them the idea another time to play with a gun that may be loaded. What do you guys think of this story? Would you guys let your child play with an unloaded gun? 

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  • Good job!

  • I wouldn't let them be near it at all! It was foolish for them to let their child hold a gun, loaded or not.

  • You shouldn't be letting your kids, even babies, playing with any sorts of guns even if they are unloaded. I think that the man should know what is right and wrong and can be more responsible. Things like that shouldn't be on facebook for the whole world to see that you let your baby play with a gun. The store re-posting it has a way of saying that they think it's ok for younger kids to be playing with things like this.

    • She wasn't playing with the gun it was just sitting in front of her and she had her hand on the scope.

  • What in the world! This is so weird. I don't think I would ever want my child holding or playing with a gun. I know it's unloaded and all, but that's weird and sends off wrong messages to people. 

  • I think its ok as long as a parent is watching them and its unloaded

  • I don't think I would let them play with a firearm regardless if its loaded or not. Someday when they were older and more responsible I would consider teaching them about gun safety and how to shoot

  • Play? no. But I think it is a good thing for them to be familiar with guns even at a young age. Let them handle and look at the gun and get the feel for it. Teach them how to properly treat a gun and what to do when you find one at someone else's house. To ask to see it before touching it and how to keep it pointed in safe directioin and finger off the trigger. How to know if it is loaded or not and if the safety is on. Also there is no way that baby would be able to pull the trigger on that thing. It isn't a "light" rifle. She would have to be about 3 to be able to pull the trigger on that thing. And at that age no real use of the handling a gun. But no real danger either.

  • I think that this is very stupid of the father to let his child play with a real gun even if it wasn't loaded! I would never let my child hold a real gun both unloaded or loaded.

  • I think that it's was not safe for him to let her grab and hold it. He should of came home with it and put it in a safe place where she couldn't reach it or put it in it's case with a lock on it.

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