Baby Slapper Headed to Slammer

Joe Hundley was sentenced Monday January 6th to 8 months in prison. Earlier in February of 2013, Hundley had been on an airplane and upset with the screaming child near him, he yelled a racial slur and slapped the 19 month old. In his defense his lawyer said that Joe was distraught, grieving, and upset about his sons current health condition.

I think that this is absolutely ridiculous. No matter how tired or worn out you are you have no right to slap someone else's child. We all know that small children have problems staying quiet for long rides on airplanes, so it should be expected for them to have troubles. If you have an issue with controlling yourself with the noise, and if it such a big of deal, then you should just pay the price and move to first class. 

What do you think? Did he do the right thing to take charge of the crying child? Should he be put away longer than just 8 months? Is it his business about the crying baby? 

Here is the LINK to the short story on the case.

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  • Excellent job Jess!

  • This is crazy! I think the situation could have been handled so much differently. Hopefully during his eight months he will learn how to control himself.

  • Although violence isn't the answer (especially with a baby) I don't however, believe that he requires more than 8 months of time in jail. I'm sure he hates himself for what he did, but was just thinking out of impulse.

  • I think that this man should be sentenced to more time in prison just for the fact that he committed child abuse not even mentioning that it was to someone else's child.

  • This is terrible. I can guarantee you the child screamed even more after being slapped. I would of put him in longer, but with over capacity in jails they probably couldn't. He's not a murdered. He's just a sick individual.

  • I think he shouldn't of slapped the baby and should be put away more than 8 months. As you mentioned he should of just paid more for first class.

  • I agree that this is ridiculous and should never occur between a grown man and an infant. The baby did nothing to the man, if it was bothering him that mad he should have been wearing headphones or something to drown out the noise of the baby. Although i think this is outrageous, i still think they got the sentence the right length because he did not kill the child. Hopefully he will learn from his mistake. 

  • I don't think that an adult should ever hurt a child like that, especially not their own.  He could have tried to control his anger instead of taking it out on the child.  He deserves a punishment because that was the wrong thing for him to do.  

  • Not the right decision, No matter how frusturated you are you should never slap a child. I would say if anything give the child a spanken if it is your own child just not someone elses. Think it through first.

  • You shouldnt slap a child no matter what. I don't care if it's crying or throwing a fit, that doesn't mean anything. No it isn't his business at all, its a child, and no matter what you shouldn't hurt a child.

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